Author: RPM

  • Exciting development!

    RPManufacturing is both excited and proud to announce that, in bringing elements of the business plan forward by a number of years; we will be helping to produce aircraft components for a WW2 fighter restoration! Follow our journey for more updates on this exciting project.

  • Upgraded capabilities!

    A new blue laser 3D scanner has been added to our catalogue of equipment enabling metrology-grade accuracy on your projects. This is further enhanced with the addition of a turntable capable of carrying 200kg for those big jobs!

  • Classic Motor Show, NEC

    We will be attending the Classic Motor Show on Friday 8th November. See you there!

  • Classic Motorcycle Mechanics Show

    I am looking forward to meeting you all at Stafford’s County Showground for the Classic Motorcycle Mechanics Show (12-13 October). We will be there coming to see you to find out what you need and will be handing out business cards!